Sitting – The New Smoking?

The data on the health risks of sitting is unequivocal and indicting. It could be argued that sitting is the new smoking. In a study published in May of 2010 in “Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise”, researchers found that men who spent more than 23 hours a week watching TV and sitting in…

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Protecting Your Back When Lifting

Have you ever tried to lift a heavy box and felt the strain in your back afterwards? Your back is very important! It is equally important to protect it so that it can serve you for the long run. Here are some tips to protect your back when lifting heavy items. When lifting you should bend both…

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Snow Board & Skate Board Injury Prevention

As more snowboarders hit the slopes and features, one must expect a higher incidence of injuries. The most common injuries for snowboarders are wrist injuries which can vary from a simple strain to a complicated fracture. One way to avoid these injuries are to use wrist splints or a glove with a support built into…

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Check this out! BANFF Mountain Film Festival World Tour

Coming March 17/18 to Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa!

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Are You Ready to Run, Injury FREE?

Hey Runners, are you frustrated with constant injuries, too many set backs, and lack of quality runs, or runs at all? It’s time to return to your training again and enjoy your runs, and stay injury free. Does this sound familiar: • I have not been able to run for weeks (or months)….and I have…

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The Importance of Hydration

Winter quickly turned to early spring in February. People are getting outdoors and participating in recreational sports, running and cycling. Hydration is always an important component to a healthy workout. With the warmer temperatures hydration is even more critical as elevated air temperature increases sweating making fluid replacement vital. Prepare your body for workouts by…

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Concussion and Balance

How are the two related and How can PT help? Balance is a complex system that consists of visual input, inner ear equilibrium, and the necessary musculature to keep one upright. This collectively is known as the vestibular system. One can sustain a concussion most commonly when the head strikes a stationary object and additionally…

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Quick Tips For Foot Pain

Do you have pain in your feet in the morning? Here are a few tips for relieving some of the pain and discomfort that you may feel. You can take a frozen water bottle and roll it on the bottom of your foot. This will help with pain and inflammation. It will also add a…

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Preventing Youth Injuries in Little League

Little League Baseball season is upon us.  Sign-ups for Little League are in full swing and most league tryouts are in early January with practices starting in February.  Now is the time to start getting the equipment but young throwing arms for baseball season.  One primary reason youth baseball players and pitchers in particular experience…

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Are You Balanced?

Proprioception and Its Affect on You To give you a little background proprioception, it is a sense of balance and knowing where your joints are in space without you observing them. Poor balance can compromise our proprioception system.  This makes individuals more prone to injury resulting in falls, ACL tears, and sprained ankles.   Young females…

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