Is Walking Good for Sciatica? What You Need to Know

Is walking good for sciatica - man walking in woodland

Is walking good for sciatica? If you’ve been struggling with the pain and discomfort that comes with this condition, you might be wondering if adding more steps to your day could help or hurt. As a physical therapist, I’ve seen many patients find relief through gentle, consistent movement and walking can be a great way…

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5 Essential Desk Stretches to Combat Sitting All Day

woman doing desk stretch

Do you ever feel stiff and achy after sitting at your desk all day? You’re not alone! Prolonged sitting can wreak havoc on your body, causing everything from neck and shoulder pain to tight hamstrings and poor posture. But with a few simple desk stretches, you can combat these negative effects and feel much better.…

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Is Trail Running Bad for Your Joints? 5 Myths Debunked

woman trail running with pink shoes

“Is trail running bad for your joints?” This question often comes up among runners in Washington State, where the beautiful trails attract outdoor enthusiasts. With the growing popularity of trail running, many people worry about the impact on their joint health. In this blog, we’ll debunk five common myths this style of running and joint…

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Is Running Really That Bad For Your Knees?

a man running on a road

Is running really bad for your knees? It’s a question we get asked a lot. And with knee pain from running being one of the most common complaints among runners, it’s easy to see why this topic garners so much attention. As a physical therapist, I want to dive into this debate and shed some…

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5 Paddling Mistakes That Lead to Injuries and How to Avoid Them

people kayaking and paddling on a lake

Paddling and kayaking in Washington during summer is a fantastic way to enjoy the great outdoors, but did you know that improper paddling techniques can lead to serious injuries? As a physical therapist, I’ve seen firsthand how common paddling mistakes can turn an enjoyable activity into a painful experience. In this blog, we’re going to…

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5 Effective Ways to Heal a Pulled Chest Muscle Quickly

a person holding his chest with pulled muscle in chest

A pulled chest muscle can cause sharp pain and discomfort, limiting daily activities and physical participation. Whether it happens during a workout, while lifting heavy objects, or due to sudden movements, healing a pulled chest muscle quickly is crucial for a speedy recovery. In this blog post, we will explore five effective methods to help…

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The Key to a Strong and Injury-Free Body: Importance of Physical Therapy for Body Maintenance

physical therapy and body maintenance

Just as regular servicing is essential to keep a car running smoothly and prevent breakdowns, body maintenance through physical therapy is key to building a strong and injury-free body. Imagine ignoring the strange noises from your car’s engine or skipping your annual service check; soon enough, you’d likely find yourself stranded on the side of…

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5 Essential Tech Neck Exercises to Alleviate Pain and Improve Posture

woman doing tech neck exercises

Tech neck exercises have become a necessity in our digital age, where screens dominate much of our day. Picture this: you’re hunched over your phone, scrolling through emails, or binge-watching your favorite series on a tablet. Without realizing it, hours have slipped by, and now your neck aches. This scenario is all too familiar for…

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The Top Best 8 Stretches to Ease Calf Pain

When To Worry About Calf Pain

When to worry about calf pain? It’s a question many of us find ourselves asking after a long day on our feet, an intense workout, or when we notice unusual discomfort in our lower legs. Calf pain is a common ailment that can range from a mild nuisance to a symptom of a more serious…

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10 Effective Achilles Tendonitis Exercises to Relieve Pain and Strengthen Your Legs

man doing Achilles Tendonitis Exercises

Achilles Tendonitis Exercises are your first line of defense in combating the nagging pain that characterizes this common condition. If you’ve found yourself grappling with a sharp sensation at the back of your ankle upon waking, you’re likely navigating the challenges of Achilles tendonitis. As a physical therapy clinic owner in Washington state, I’ve seen…

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