Memorial Day: Logan’s General Order No. 11

HEADQUARTERS GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC General Orders No.11, WASHINGTON, D.C., May 5, 1868 1. The 30th day of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost…

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Worried About Back Pain?

More Orange County Residents Get To The Bottom Of Chronic Back Pain Without Needing A Referral From A Doctor… Why you are still suffering? The question is, what should YOU do for the best? For your FREE copy, click the link below…

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Shred Fest

Today is tax day, time to clean out the post tax clutter!  Join Intecore Physical Therapy for a FREE shred event.  Come over to the Foothill Ranch location, Wednesday April 22 from 10am to 2pm; bring all your boxes and shred away!

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Foam Rolling Helps Recovery

While foam rolling has become popular, it still is used most often as a way to prepare for training.  However, a recent research report was published in the Journal of Athletic Training that looked at the effect of foam rolling after training on delayed onset muscles soreness (DOMS) and performance. In the study, 8 collegiate…

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Oh, My Aching Back

Did you know that 80% of America’s population will suffer from lower back pain at some time in our lives? The pain may be brief, or in some cases, last for years. The lumbar spine is at risk of injury from sports, sitting, lifting and work or daily life activities. One way to lessen one’s…

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Groin Injuries: Who Gets Them And Why They Hurt So Bad?

A very common yet still pertinent problem in sports and daily activities are the presence of hip adductor strains or more commonly known as groin strains.  It is a disruption or tear to any one of the 5 hip adductor muscles that aid in bringing the leg in towards the body. These muscles include the…

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Sitting – The New Smoking?

The data on the health risks of sitting is unequivocal and indicting. It could be argued that sitting is the new smoking. In a study published in May of 2010 in “Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise”, researchers found that men who spent more than 23 hours a week watching TV and sitting in…

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Protecting Your Back When Lifting

Have you ever tried to lift a heavy box and felt the strain in your back afterwards? Your back is very important! It is equally important to protect it so that it can serve you for the long run. Here are some tips to protect your back when lifting heavy items. When lifting you should bend both…

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Snow Board & Skate Board Injury Prevention

As more snowboarders hit the slopes and features, one must expect a higher incidence of injuries. The most common injuries for snowboarders are wrist injuries which can vary from a simple strain to a complicated fracture. One way to avoid these injuries are to use wrist splints or a glove with a support built into…

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Check this out! BANFF Mountain Film Festival World Tour

Coming March 17/18 to Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa!

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