5 Essential Tech Neck Exercises to Alleviate Pain and Improve Posture
Tech neck exercises have become a necessity in our digital age, where screens dominate much of our day. Picture this: you’re hunched over your phone, scrolling through emails, or binge-watching your favorite series on a tablet. Without realizing it, hours have slipped by, and now your neck aches. This scenario is all too familiar for…
Why Do My Shoulder Blades Hurt?
Are you suffering from shoulder blade pain and unsure what has caused it? If you’ve landed on this article the answer is most likely yes, and we know that it can make your everyday life difficult. You probably already know this so let’s get to what might be causing it. Your shoulder is one of…
How Can I Reduce Discomfort After An Operation?
Still struggling with pain and discomfort after surgery? Click here to find out how we can help reduce your pain.
How Can I Get To Sleep With Rotator Cuff Pain?
Grabbing a relaxed 40-winks, or getting a good night’s sleep, can feel almost impossible when suffering from shoulder pain (rotator cuff injury). Injuries to the shoulder (and neck area) that barely register throughout the day can suddenly turn monstrous upon going to bed. If sleep weren’t hugely important, then a restless night would be no…
Holiday Traveling with Back Pain
If you suffer with back pain, daily tasks such as cooking, cleaning can be difficult and exhausting. Add to that the constant pain is invisible to those on the outside and can flare without warning. This pain should prevent you from traveling during the holidays, it just requires some extra precautions and planning. Fill your medications…
5 Steps to Reclaiming Your Life After Your Chronic Pain Diagnosis
If you’ve been recently diagnosed with a chronic pain condition, you’re likely still reeling from the news. You may be shocked by your diagnosis and desperate for answers from your doctor. Being told you have a chronic pain condition can be a turning point in your life, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s all…
How to Make the Most Out of Your Physical Therapy Visits
To some people, going to physical therapy is old hat just like their hair dresser or barber. They have had multiple surgeries or injuries and the physical therapist has become part of their extended family. To others, physical therapy is the unknown, not knowing what to expect at the first and subsequent appointments. Here are a few tips…
Get in to Shape in the New Year
Getting into shape, for many, is a daunting task. Living in a world of fast food chains, coffee stores and bakeries at every corner, doesn’t make it any easier. Here are some helpful tips to guide you in the right direction of getting healthy! Portion Control Portion size plays a huge part in weight loss…
How to Become Healthier, Stronger, and More Active in 2019!
The tennis shoes collecting dust, the yoga mat curled in the back of your closet, the gym membership that hasn’t seen you in months. Do you need any more proof that sticking to your exercise routine is tough? Never fear, we’ve put together a list of tips to help you grow healthier, stronger and more…
Five Misconceptions of CrossFit
You have probably seen, or heard, about a type of training called “CrossFit”. You have probably also heard a lot of rumors about CrossFit and how you should, or shouldn’t take part. Here are five misconnections about CrossFit, from Miranda, a certified CrossFit coach. CrossFit is not for everyone. This is one of the biggest…