Coping with Ankylosing Spondylitis: Tips for Managing Pain and Improving Mobility

Have you or someone you know been navigating the challenges of ankylosing spondylitis? This chronic condition, marked by inflammation in the spine and large joints, can transform daily tasks into daunting hurdles. But with the right strategies, living well with ankylosing spondylitis is entirely possible. Here’s your guide to managing pain, enhancing mobility, and maintaining…

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Why Do My Heels Hurt When I Walk? The Top 5 Reasons Explained

woman with ankle pain when walking

“Why do my heels hurt when you walk?“ If that sounds like you, you’re definitely not alone. I run a physical therapy clinic where I’ve heard this question more times than I can count. Turns out, a lot of us are dealing with heel pain and it’s no small deal. It can turn picking up…

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5 Common Causes of Knee Pain at Night and How to Address Them

Do you have knee pain at night? Are you spending your nights tossing and turning, trying to find a comfortable position for your knees? You’re not alone. Many people experience knee pain at night, turning what should be a restful time into hours of discomfort and frustration. But why does this happen, and more importantly,…

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How to Ease Degenerative Scoliosis

Degenerative Scoliosis

Have you or a loved one been navigating the twists and turns of degenerative scoliosis? It’s a journey that many find themselves on unexpectedly, often later life. It’s a condition characterized by the curvature of the spine as a result of wear and tear on the spine’s components, can significantly impact one’s quality of life.…

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What Causes Swelling in Legs and Feet and How to Ease It

swelling in legs and feet

Ever wondered why your legs and feet sometimes swell up like balloons? Swelling in legs and feet, a condition known medically as edema, is a common experience for many. While it might not always signal a serious health issue, understanding the causes of this swelling and knowing how to ease it is important for maintaining…

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What Causes Groin Pain and 5 Ways To Get Relief

woman struggling with groin pain

Imagine this: It’s a beautiful Saturday morning, and you’re out playing your favorite sport. The game is intense, the adrenaline is pumping, and you’re giving it your all. Suddenly, you make a swift turn, and there it is – a sharp, nagging pain in your groin area. You try to brush it off as a…

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The 5 Best Low Impact Exercises For Back Pain According To A Physical Therapist

couple walking doing low impact exercises

Low impact exercises for back pain… Picture this: It’s a bright Monday morning. You’re ready to kickstart your week with a burst of energy, but there’s one problem – your back pain, a constant companion that keeps you from enjoying your favorite activities. You’re not alone. According to the American Chiropractic Association, about 31 million…

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Physical Therapy as an Alternative to Cortisone Shots

physical therapy as an Alternative To Cortisone Shots

In the realm of pain management and injury recovery, cortisone shots have long been a go-to solution. But what if there’s another way? An approach that’s not only effective but also embraces the body’s natural healing process? Enter physical therapy, a compelling alternative to cortisone shots. In this blog post, we’ll explore how physical therapy…

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12 Healthy Habits to Adopt for a Healthier Lifestyle in 2024

healthy habits for 2024

Incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine is a game-changer when it comes to leading a healthier lifestyle. Whether it’s starting your day with a nutritious breakfast or making time for regular exercise, these small changes can make a big difference. In this blog, we’re going to explore 12 simple yet powerful healthy habits that…

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Why Does My Leg Hurt At Night? 5 Causes And How To Ease It

man with leg pain

Are you often left wondering, “Why does my leg hurt at night?” You’re not alone. Many people experience this discomforting issue, which can significantly disrupt sleep and affect overall quality of life. In this blog post, we will explore some of the common causes behind nighttime leg pain, offering insights into why it occurs and…

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