Therapy, Exercise and Education for Neck Pain
Nonspecific-chronic neck pain, neck pain that has been lasting for at least 12 weeks with no specific cause, is a common condition that can lead to high levels of pain and even disability. This may lead some patients to also experience other issues such as depression and anxiety. Popular treatments for Chronic Neck Pain (CNP),…
Physical Therapy First Can Reduce Healthcare Costs
A policy brief (click here to read the brief), dated February 2016, from the Health Care Cost Institute states that patients with lower back pain who received direct physical therapy care had reduced healthcare costs when compared to patients who were seen by another provider first. Also, patients who visited a physical therapist at the…
Knee Pain That Men Don’t Tell Their Wives About…
It’s one of the most common issues that most men aged 40 + will ever suffer from… That nagging knee pain… The kind that slows you down in life, frustrates you when you walk up and down the stairs, and even stops you from doing something as playing ball with your kids… Just last week…
Adolescents and Low Back Pain
New research published in the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons has shown that one of three adolescents reports some sort of low back pain. In nearly two-thirds of these patient’s, the clinical examination and imaging may not produce a clear cause for their pain. Researchers feel this pain could be a result…
Low Back Pain in Life
Did you know, about 80% of all people can expect to suffer from some sort of disruptive low back pain during their life? The good news is if you begin, and stick to, the right type of exercise program you might be able to avoid the recurrence of low back pain. Lower back pain develops…
Four things you cannot do with a bad neck…
I have heard the complaints many times… ”I have a kink in my neck” or “It hurts too much to move.” Neck pain is serious business and not taking care of these issues can lead to other complaints such as shoulder pain or even tingling and numbness down the arm. Below are 4 things that…
Holiday Shopping Can Help Keep You Active And Mobile
Tis’ the season for Holiday Parties and of course Aunt Betty’s famous fruitcake! It’s also the season for everyone to pay a visit to the mall…so, let’s talk about something that might be able to keep you healthy and active (and burn more calories than you might think! – Which might be needed of course),…
Did you know…Physical Therapy can save you Money! $$
Recently there was research performed to determine the cost and effectiveness of direct access to physical therapy care versus having to been seen by a physician and then referred to physical therapy. (Heidi A. Ojha, Rachel S. Snyder and Todd E. Davenport PHYS THER. 2014; 94:14-30.) “Direct Access Physical Therapy Compared with Referred Physical Therapy”…
Physical therapy is less risky for Spinal Stenosis
One type of lower back pain, called lumbar spinal stenosis, is sometimes treated with surgery. Physical therapy works just as well, and comes with fewer unwanted complications. Stenosis is a narrowing of space, and lumbar spinal stenosis that space is the spinal canal. This puts pressure on the spinal cord and the nerves extending from…
The Top 10 Ways to Enjoy Thanksgiving (AND have your body Thank You for it..)
Thanksgiving is around the corner, and everyone’s looking forward to getting together with family and indulging (why not?). Fortunately, I have put together 10 ways for you to ‘have your turkey and eat it too.’ Here they are: 1. Drink plenty of water throughout the week – especially before heavy meals. 2. Walk off that…