Five Ways To Stay Healthy Even When Life Feels ‘Busy’

A few weeks back some of our patients were chatting and the conversation was all about wanting to get fitter, but why sometimes it’s so hard to stay in shape.  They all agreed that they knew they needed to exercise, sleep more, and eat healthier – but knowing and actually doing, are two different things.…

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Getting Healthy is as Simple as Basic Arithmetic

Getting healthy is as simple as basic arithmetic, even if math was never your subject. Subtract a bad habit from life, and add one that will enrich your life in its place. Try this “minus one, plus one” strategy to incorporate better health practices into your life. Social Health – Let’s be honest – smart…

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The Most Dangerous Fat

Everyone talks about the little bit of budge around the mid-section and how they want to “get rid” of it.  More importantly is how this extra belly fat is detrimental to you.  Fat is stored all throughout our bodies and is used for energy, warmth, and protection, but a certain fat opens you up to…

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All About Sleep

When it comes to health, there is one, simple, easy and FREE thing that you can do immediately to boost your health – and that’s sleep! In fact, sleep is important for ALL areas of health, and it’s the most important thing you do each day. When you peruse the internet or health magazine, all…

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Surprising Ways a Physical Therapist Can Help You

When someone hears the words physical therapy there is very a common misconception of what physical therapy is.  Many people think of just helping an athlete after a major injury while others think massage or personal training.  With today’s sub-specialties, physical therapists can actually help in many ways patients don’t typically expect. When people hear…

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You Shouldn’t Ignore Those Aches and Pains

Prior injuries, lack of physical activity, and existing chronic conditions increase the risk of injury. The pain felt may range from mild ache to a sharp, severe, pain. It is common for people to assume a good night’s sleep will cure the pain.  Often this pain worsens the next morning. When the muscles and joints…

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There’s A Better Way To Measure Your Health Other Than The scale

In January, and in to February, we are overloaded with so many weight loss messages that even the most confident of us can feel under pressure to lose weight… …And those of us who may not even need to shift a few pounds, question if they should be trying to or not. But being healthy…

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Broken Resolutions???…Don’t Stress…!!!

It’s that time of year again, a new year and more New Year’s resolutions. Facebook is covered with posts on New Year goals, friends and family are asking…everyone wants to know what you will stick to in 2017. Each year, you promise yourself that you’ll do this or you won’t do that. Then most of…

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Four Steps to Watch Your Weight During the Holidays

We are knee deep in to the holiday season, and for the next two weeks people will be solidly booked with work and family holiday parties as well as assorted lunches & dinners.  It can be overwhelming but you shouldn’t restrict yourself from things you enjoy.  Here are 4 ways to help keep a healthy…

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What Not To Wear To The Holiday Party And Why It Causes Back Pain

Ok, I know we don’t like to talk about this, but most people have got their holiday party (or parties!) happening. And if you, or anyone you know, are anything like my wife, the party outfit will be planned already… or at least ready to be purchased. Anyway, last year one of my patients came…

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