Broken Resolutions???…Don’t Stress…!!!

It’s that time of year again, a new year and more New Year’s resolutions. Facebook is covered with posts on New Year goals, friends and family are asking…everyone wants to know what you will stick to in 2017. Each year, you promise yourself that you’ll do this or you won’t do that. Then most of…
Four Steps to Watch Your Weight During the Holidays

We are knee deep in to the holiday season, and for the next two weeks people will be solidly booked with work and family holiday parties as well as assorted lunches & dinners. It can be overwhelming but you shouldn’t restrict yourself from things you enjoy. Here are 4 ways to help keep a healthy…
What Not To Wear To The Holiday Party And Why It Causes Back Pain

Ok, I know we don’t like to talk about this, but most people have got their holiday party (or parties!) happening. And if you, or anyone you know, are anything like my wife, the party outfit will be planned already… or at least ready to be purchased. Anyway, last year one of my patients came…
Four Tips to Stay Healthy This Holiday Season

The “true” holiday season starts at Halloween and doesn’t end until after the New Year. We tend to become busy with shopping, cooking, and holiday parties and often lose sight of our health. Here are 4 simple tricks designed to keep you healthy and happy this holiday season. Eat Foods and nutrients that provide energy…
Chronic Low Back Pain: Get Relief with Targeted Physical Therapy

About 25 percent of people in the United States say they’ve experienced low back pain sometime within the last three months. For some people, low back pain is temporary, but for others, it becomes a lifelong struggle that can be debilitating. If you suffer from chronic low back pain, targeted physical therapy could be your…
Your Turkey Trot Shouldn’t Knock You Down

With Thanksgiving only one week away, many people are laced up for their annual “Turkey Trot” race. Many of those taking part will develop severe foot pain after the race, a pain called plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is generally considered an overuse syndrome of the “plantar fascia” and is a common problem in the foot. …
The Problems With Low Back Pain and Opioids

Recently, physicians across the United States received a letter from the Surgeon General of the United States urging them to assist with the battle of curbing opioid use and abuse. The letter was accompanied by useful information that presented physical therapy as a preferred first-line approach for low back pain. In the past few years…
Physical Therapy and Breast Cancer

With the month of November firmly here, we have “officially” moved in to the holiday season. Even though October and Breast Cancer Awareness month, is behind us that does not mean you don’t remain aware! Physical Therapy is an important aspect with the recovery of any breast cancer treatment and a physical therapist is a…
Exercise… Your Wonder Drug For A Healthy Life…

Last week I wrote about two simple ways to become a healthier person (click here to read that blog). One way is through eating proper food and the second is increased activity. Of all things that can provide the best results to your health…physical activity is number 1. In 2015, the Academy of Medical Royal…
Two Steps To Be A Healthier Person

Even with our best intentions, trying to be healthy seems like a tough hill to climb. It is hard to start, and even more hard to stay motivated. Actually, living a healthy life is quite the opposite. Follow these two simple steps to start your road to a healthier you. Eating healthy shouldn’t be a…