Five Misconceptions of CrossFit
You have probably seen, or heard, about a type of training called “CrossFit”. You have probably also heard a lot of rumors about CrossFit and how you should, or shouldn’t take part. Here are five misconnections about CrossFit, from Miranda, a certified CrossFit coach. CrossFit is not for everyone. This is one of the biggest…
3 Habits That Can Make Your Knee Pain Worse
Some people blame their knee pain on old age while others blame it on the cold and rainy weather. Maybe it just comes and goes on its own, but a lot of the time our own everyday habits can add to the knee pain that we feel. Perhaps your knee pain is being affected by…
Four Natural Ways to Relieve Sciatica
Have you ever experienced aching pain in the back and buttock area that radiates down your leg? If so, you may have sciatica. Sciatica is a common condition that affects up to 1 out of 10 people, typically between ages 25-45. Symptoms Sciatica is typically felt as a dull aching pain to the low back…
Static vs Dynamic Stretching
Back in high school our coaches always made up “stretch” and warm up before activities. Sometimes we held and other times we bounced. What is the difference? What is Static Stretching? Static stretching is when you hold a stretch for about 20-30seconds. Static Stretching has often been the go-to for warming up. Most people…
Three Things that You Didn’t Know Cause Back Pain
Question…How many of you have googled ‘back pain?’ I thought so… We have all heard about what can cause back pain; incorrect lifting, bad posture, sports injury…but did you know that you may be making a common mistake in your daily routine, that might be encouraging more back pain? What I’m about to tell you, but…
Low Back Pain: Your Questions Answered
If you have experienced lower back pain, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Nearly 80 percent of adults have, or will have, suffered from it at some point in their lives. It’s the most common cause of job-related disability, a leading contributor to missed work days. Physical Therapists treat this diagnosis more frequently than any other.…
3 ‘Quick Fixes’ You THINK Help Knee Pain – But Don’t
A patient came into the clinic last week limping with knee pain and asked: “I’ve had this knee pain for a few weeks now, I’m not sure what I’ve done to it but I’ve tried taking Advil and that didn’t help. I was trying to rest it so that it wouldn’t hurt, but whenever I…
Working out in winter can do wonders
Cold weather and darker days may have an affect on your mood, researchers say. Some people get Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) during the winter months, which is basically the blues brought on from lack of sunlight. Dr. Michael Craig Miller, senior editor for Harvard Health Publishing, writes in his article, “Seasonal Affective Disorder: Bring on…
What Not To Wear To The Holiday Party (And Why It Causes Back Pain)
Most people have their holiday parties booked very soon (if they haven’t already had them), and it’s something that might help you out. And if you’re anything like most women, you’ve already got your Christmas party outfit planned. Well, so did one of our patients who came to see us this week… Claire is a…
Three Things that Cause Back Pain That You Didn’t Know…Until Now!
Question… How many of you have googled ‘preventing back pain?’ I thought so… We have all heard and read about what can cause back pain; incorrect lifting, bad posture, sports injury… but did you know that you may be making a common mistake in your daily routine, that might be encouraging back pain? What I’m about to…