What Is The Best Sleeping Position For Shoulder Pain?

woman waking up with shoulder pain - best sleeping position for shoulder pain
woman waking up with shoulder pain - best sleeping position for shoulder pain

Shoulder pain can turn sweet dreams into restless nights, but the key to relief might just be in finding the best sleeping position for that annoying pain. In this article we’ll cover the common causes of shoulder pain, how to ease it and tips on the best sleeping position for shoulder pain.

Understanding the Importance of Sleep

Sleep plays a pivotal role in our overall health and well-being. It’s a time for our bodies to heal, rejuvenate, and prepare for the next day. However, when plagued by persistent shoulder pain from sleeping, achieving a peaceful night’s sleep can be a challenge. Determining the best sleeping position for shoulder pain is about ensuring that our body gets the restorative rest it needs.

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Common Causes of Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain isn’t just a random occurrence; there’s always an underlying cause, and getting the root cause is the first step toward effective relief. Here’s some of the common reasons for shoulder pain:

  • Rotator Cuff Injuries: Often resulting from repetitive motions or sudden impacts, rotator cuff injuries can lead to persistent pain and reduced range of motion. It’s a common injury among athletes, particularly those who engage in overhead sports like tennis or baseball.
  • Arthritis: As we age, wear and tear on the shoulder joint can result in osteoarthritis, which leads to discomfort, stiffness, and sometimes a grating feeling during movement.
  • Tendonitis: The tendons in the shoulder can become inflamed with overuse or strain, causing sharp pains.
  • Frozen Shoulder: Characterized by stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint, a frozen shoulder can significantly limit movement. It often develops slowly and can be caused by immobility or a previous injury.
  • Fractures: Breaking a bone in or around the shoulder will undoubtedly lead to pain.
  • Bursitis: The bursae, or small fluid-filled sacs that cushion the bones, tendons, and muscles around the shoulder, can become inflamed. Bursitis can cause pain during movement or even when resting.

The Benefits of Physical Therapy for Shoulder Pain

man suffering with shoulder pain in bed

Physical therapy can be a game-changer when it comes to getting effective relief from shoulder pain, here’s some reasons why:

Targeted Pain Relief: Unlike general pain medications that just mask symptoms, physical therapy addresses the root cause of your pain. Through targeted exercises and stretches, physical therapists can help alleviate the specific pain points you’re experiencing.

Improved Range of Motion: One of the most common complaints with shoulder pain is restricted movement. Physical therapy can help restore this range of motion, making daily tasks easier and more comfortable.

Strengthening of Shoulder Muscles: Weak muscles can exacerbate shoulder issues. In a physical therapy session, you’ll get exercises tailored to strengthen the muscles surrounding the shoulder to help support the shoulder and reduce risk of future injuries.

Personalized Treatment Plans: Everyone’s pain is unique, physical therapists tailor a plan specific to you and your needs, so you can get the most safe and effective treatment plan possible for shoulder pain.

Educative Approach: We also aim to empower you about what’s been going on to cause shoulder pain so you can take proactive steps in your recovery and prevent future issues.

Non-invasive and Drug-free: Physical therapy offers a natural approach to pain management. There’s no surgery involved and doesn’t rely on medications to mask the pain.

Tips for Sleeping with Shoulder Pain

Tossing and turning in bed is frustrating to find the right sleeping position that doesn’t aggravate shoulder pain. If you’re struggling with shoulder pain, a good night’s sleep may seem like a distant dream but fear not, there are ways to make sleeping more comfortable and finding the best sleeping position for shoulder pain. Let’s take a look…

Finding the Best Sleeping Position for Shoulder Pain Relief

  • Stay Off The Painful Shoulder: It may seem obvious, but if one shoulder is causing distress, try sleeping on the other side. This can alleviate pressure and prevent additional strain on the already inflamed area.
  • Adopt The Fetal Position: Curling up with knees bent and a pillow between them, can help align the spine and reduce pressure.
  • Avoid Sleeping On Your Stomach: This position isn’t the best sleeping position for shoulder pain. It can force the shoulder into an awkward angle, exacerbating pain. Instead, opt for back or side sleeping.

Importance of Proper Pillow Support

The right pillow can provide essential support for your neck and shoulders, ensuring alignment and reducing strain. Look into investing in an orthopedic pillow or one designed specifically for shoulder pain relief.

Placing a pillow between your knees when side sleeping can also help align the spine and reduce the stress placed on the shoulder when going to sleep with shoulder pain.

Creating a Comfortable Sleep Environment

Did you know that the overall environment of where you sleep can affect sleep quality?

First, if your mattress is toon soft or too firm, it can affect how your shoulder feels. Everyone is different, so ensure to choose a mattress that offers you good support and feels right.

Next, maintaining a cool, dark, and quiet room can help your body drop into sleep quicker and give you a more restful night’s sleep.

Mental comfort is just as vital as physical; reading or deep breathing before bed can establish a relaxing routine that aids sleep – stay away from screens and bright lights as this can keep your mind active.

Ready To Get Help With Physical Therapy?

A good night’s sleep without shoulder pain doesn’t have to be a distant dream. The journey begins with understanding the nature and source of your discomfort and exploring suitable paths to relief, finding the best sleeping position for shoulder pain for you.

If shoulder pain has been a persistent annoyance, and you’re ready to get relief, click here to fill out this form and tell us more about what’s going on, and our team will be in touch. You can also give us a call here: (360) 474-3274

If you’re not quite ready to talk to us yet, why not download our Neck and Shoulder Pain guide? It goes in depth on how to get to the root cause of neck and shoulder pain without having to speak to the Doctor or rely on pills for relief.

Download your FREE copy here.

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Andrew Vertson