Sprain / Strain

Hip Sprain / Strain Sprains refer to injuries of the ligaments (connect bone to bone) and strains refer to injuries of the muscles or tendons (connect muscle to bone). Sprains and strains occur from quick over-stretching of the tissues causing micro-tearing and subsequent injury. Swelling begins as part of the inflammation process, causing pain and…

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Trochanteric Bursitis

What is Trochanteric Bursitis? The ending of the word "itis" is defined as inflammation. Therefore, bursitis is inflammation of a bursa and tendonitis is inflammation of a tendon. A bursa is a fluid filled sac that sits between muscles or tissues to cushion and reduce friction. In the hip there is a rather large bursa…

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Osteoarthritis of The Hip

About Osteoarthritis of the hip Osteoarthritis of the hip can be painful as the hip is needed to move with sit to stand, walking, squatting and bending. The hips take a lot of wear and tear over the years leading to a degeneration of the cartilage that lines the joint. As the cartilage wears over…

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What is Sciatica? Sciatica is a term used to describe radiating pain into the buttock that may travel down the back of the thigh. Often this pain is achy and spread out along the buttock and back of the thigh. Sciatica typically comes from irritation to the sciatic nerve, which travels deep in the buttock…

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Hip Pain and Thigh Pain

About Hip Pain and Thigh Pain Hip pain is typically felt in 3 places, the groin, outer hip or deep buttock. Depending on where the pain is focused corresponds to the dysfunction around that area. The hip joint is incredible as it moves through a large range of motion, while bearing the weight of the…

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Piriformis Syndrome

What is Piriformis Syndrome? The piriformis muscle is deep in the buttocks and helps with rotating the hip. The sciatic nerve typically dives underneath the piriformis muscle as it makes it way down to the leg. With excessive sitting, loss of movement in the hips or trauma, the piriformis muscle can press down onto the…

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Total Hip Replacement / Partial Hip Replacement

About Total Hip Replacement / Partial Hip Replacement When the hip has suffered a significant trauma such as a fracture or with long-term arthritis that is affecting your ability to move and walk, a total hip replacement surgery may be needed. In a total hip replacement surgery, the socket of the hip joint and head…

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Difficulty Walking

Difficulty walking It takes us at least 12 months as a baby to learn the fundamentals of walking. It takes even longer to learn how to walk properly and eventually run. Walking is very complex and requires good balance, the ability to know where your joints are in space (proprioception), the ability to know how…

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Post-surgery Rehab

About Post-surgery Rehab Other types of surgeries for the hip are fracture repairs using pinning or repair from trauma. The amount of force it takes to break bone means that the soft tissues around the hip are most likely significantly injured also. After surgery, due to limited movement, range of motion is lost as well…

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