Some people blame their knee pain on old age while others blame it on the cold and rainy weather. Maybe it just comes and goes on its own, but a lot of the time our own everyday habits can add to the knee pain that we feel. Perhaps your knee pain is being affected by these 3 habits.
Shoes such as high heels or shoes that are too tight place additional stress on your knees. Instead, you should wear shoes with cushioning, shoes with good cushioning can absorb the impact of your foot hitting the ground, preventing the shock from getting to your knees. Specialized inserts are perfect for offering more comfort and protection for your knees.
A lot of people think that getting rest and not using your knee helps fight knee pain. However, the problem with too much rest is that it makes your joints tight and stiff and will lead to muscle weakness. Try to do low-impact exercises that don’t put too much strain on your knees. You could go swimming, enjoy a light walk, yoga, or go cycling. All of these exercises are great for fitness and for your knees.
You and I were not designed to sit. Sitting for long periods goes against every basic, fundamental rule of the ways we originally evolved as humans. When you sit at a desk, or in a chair with your knees bent underneath, you’re stretching ligaments and muscles and placing your knee in a position that is un-natural – and a position knees really aren’t built to be in for too long. Limit the amount of time you sit with your knees bent, and keep them out straight for as long as possible – and keep them moving too.
Knee pain should not limit you from doing the things in life you enjoy! Sometimes that knee pain is caused from your daily habits. If knee pain does prevent you from living your life, Sign Up for a FREE Discovery Visit to see how we can help get you back to the life you enjoy.
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