Is Running Really That Bad For Your Knees?

a man running on a road

Is running really bad for your knees? It’s a question we get asked a lot. And with knee pain from running being one of the most common complaints among runners, it’s easy to see why this topic garners so much attention. As a physical therapist, I want to dive into this debate and shed some…

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Managing Knee Pain Postpartum: 5 Tips for New Moms

knee pain postpartum

Knee pain postpartum is a common concern among new moms, so if you’re experiencing it, you’re not alone! After the arrival of a new baby, a mother’s body continues to recover from the months of pregnancy, during which significant changes have taken place. These changes, including hormonal fluctuations and shifts in body weight, can contribute…

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5 Common Causes of Knee Pain at Night and How to Address Them

Do you have knee pain at night? Are you spending your nights tossing and turning, trying to find a comfortable position for your knees? You’re not alone. Many people experience knee pain at night, turning what should be a restful time into hours of discomfort and frustration. But why does this happen, and more importantly,…

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Why Should Knee Pain Be Treated Quickly?

Knee pain affects almost all of us at some stage in our lives. Whether it’s a twist, sprain, or strain – they can all disrupt your daily life. It affects millions of people worldwide. Unfortunately, finding relief and fixing knee pain can take much longer than necessary without proper care and treatment. That’s why it’s…

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How To Recover From An ACL Injury 

Have you recently tore or sprained your ACL and are looking for the best and quickest ways to recover? Click here to find out more

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Knee Pain After Cycling: What Should I Do?

Have you experienced knee pain from cycling? Click here to find out how we can help you.

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How Can I Reduce Discomfort After An Operation?

How Can I Reduce Discomfort After An Operation?

Still struggling with pain and discomfort after surgery? Click here to find out how we can help reduce your pain.

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Do You Know What Your Shoes Have to Say About You?

Forget about reading palms, try reading the soles of your shoes! By analyzing the bottom of our shoes, we can gain some pretty neat information about our physical body. If you have a pair of shoes you have worn for a few months you may be able to see uneven foot patterns, meaning that the…

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Holiday Traveling with Back Pain

If you suffer with back pain, daily tasks such as cooking, cleaning can be difficult and exhausting. Add to that the constant pain is invisible to those on the outside and can flare without warning.  This pain should prevent you from traveling during the holidays, it just requires some extra precautions and planning.  Fill your medications…

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5 Steps to Reclaiming Your Life After Your Chronic Pain Diagnosis

If you’ve been recently diagnosed with a chronic pain condition, you’re likely still reeling from the news. You may be shocked by your diagnosis and desperate for answers from your doctor. Being told you have a chronic pain condition can be a turning point in your life, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s all…

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